
Market Ticker

MEDevTicker screen shot The Market Ticker app is a stock market watch list, price charting and automated alerting application for Window desktops.

Right before, during, and a little after the financial crisis of 2008 I was an active trader of options on S&P 500 index futures.   I was also a software developer and consultant and often struggled to manage my positions while also working on my projects.   I needed a way to glance quickly at markets and indicators and to be proactively notified when certain conditions were met.   I started with a simple "watch list" using a free stock ticker API, and then added price charts from various sources and links to popular financial market websites and blogs.

I later created an alerting system whereby I could define specific market conditions (e.g. price above or below a specific value or percentage change) and have the app show me a task bar notification when the condition was met. I also wanted periodic "market summary" notifications telling me where the major indices were going.   I also added support for transmission of emails and SMS text messages to my phone in order to proactively keep me informed of critical market events that would necessitate a change to my positions.

Eventhough I no longer trade in the financial markets I still have this app running on one of my screens each business day.   I have used this application more than any other that I have ever written.

Feature Summary:
  • Features a hybrid application architecture that seemlessly integrates various online data sources, APIs, web services, etc with a robust desktop user interface and notification system.
  • Displays simple intraday or historical Yahoo!® charts for one or more watch list items. Simple charts available for the following time periods: intraday (delayed 2-20 minutes), last week, last 3 months, previous 1, 3, 5 or max years.
  • Displays FinViz® charts for various Stock, Bond, Commodity and ForeEx futures for the following time periods: intraday (5 minute), hourly, daily and weekly (delayed 10-20 minutes).
  • Displays enhanced intraday or historical StockCharts.com® charts for one or more watch list items. Enhanced charts options include size, time period and others.
  • Displays multiple mini-charts in a single window and set time periods for each chart individually or collectively (same periods as simple charts).
  • Manages a watch list of stocks, indexes, futures, commodities, bonds and other instruments from U.S. and world markets.
  • Save and annotate chart images.
  • Customizable stock ticker data interface for custom start/stop time and refresh interval. Enable/disable the ticker at any time with a simple mouse click.
  • Customizable market update notifications for custom start/stop time, notification interval, notification type (sound, pop-up window/balloon, email, SMS text msg), and ticker symbols to show. Enable/disable the market update notifications at any time with a simple mouse click.
  • Customizable market update and alert notifications sent via SMTP email messages. Send abbreviated messages to cell phones supporting SMS text messages sent via email.
  • Customizable market alerts and enable/disable them with a single mouse click.
  • Customizable alert evaluation and notification properties including start/stop time, evaulation interval, notification type (audible, visual, email, SMS text message).
  • Customizable alert criteria for any ticker data field.
  • Customizable alert notification messages including multiple ticker symbols and data fields.